Pine wood is resilient and easy to work with. It has high mechanical resistance, good thermal and acoustic insulation.
Due to low density spruce is relatively soft type of wood. It has bright colour with slightly yellowish shade.
Is much more lighter than many other types of egzotic wood used for outside. Siberian larch is very strong and resistant type.
The wood is very heavy, resistant and resilient. Freshly cut can be easily formed. Ash tree has clear and variable graining.
the good qualities of wood, which is treated thermally, are: high resistance to biological degradation, high durability an insulating properties.
Has irregular layout of knots. Oak timber is heavy and hard, but has good parameters (water resistance and scrub resistance).
Has big dimension stability and homogeneous colour. It is also resistant to weather conditions.
Has natural brightness and colour, but also high resistance parameters. it is resistant to weather conditions.
Has an average weight. The fibres are partly straight, partly twisted and that gives mirror effect.
Red cedar is known for its exceptional natural resistance to weather conditions and long durability and thermal insulation.
One of the most versatile types of egzotic timber that is resistant to external conditions. It is hard wood but at the same side quite easy to work with.
Has the high dimension stability. Air influce and exposure to sunlight causes darkening of iroco and it becomesdark-gold color of amber.
It is very hard timber. It tolerates very well the influence of sun, snow and rain. Bangkirai has vey good mechanical parameters and high resistance.
Some fibres are filled with yellow shiny dust, which under the layers of oil and paint looks like intricately made gold incrustations in the shape of highlights.
Has colours starting from pink beige finishing with dark red brown and slightly purple. Massaranduba has very homogeneous, not very visible structure.
Ipe has very remarkable fire resistance. This type is often used for outside. It has natural and deep colour from olive-brown to black-brown, often with lighter or darker smudges.
Its characteristics are: big resistance to weather conditions, fungi and insects.
Amazakoue tree grows up to 45 metres. It has a diameter of 2,5 metres. Amazakoue is resistant to fungi and weather conditions.