NRO – fire preventing

COATING WITH NRO (non-fire spreading) PRODUCT

We coat our wood with the new product HOLZProf as fire preventing up to very high level of non-flammability B–s1–d0 and defined by standards EN 13823: 2007 and EN ISO 11925-2.

After using 300 g/ m2 of the product, the wood turns into non-flammable or hard-burning material.

HOLZProf has all the European certificates for pine wood but also for other species of wood.

HOLZProf – flame preventing impregnation:

  • changes wood and other materials into non-flammable or with lesser flammability, Euroclass B-s1-d0 according to SBI EN 13823 and EN ISO 11925-2 tests;
  • after drying up the product combines with wood on permanent basis and it is resistant to leaching;
  • gives the possibility to coat with decorative: paints, oils, lasures(first do the chemical test and then apply on the whole surface);
  • protects wood from biological corosion and insects;
  • clear, odourless, does not cause leaching;
  • coating: spraying, with paint brush, with paint roller, immersion and pressure;
  • ecologically safe, non-toxic and non-carcinogenic.